Tuesday, January 15, 2008

"A Passing Thought"

Hi Friends,
Hope you all are doing great and wish that you all will achieve greater feats.
I was feeling a bit down this morning and was trying to find out some way to elevate my mood.
What I felt after pondering over for sometime that its not that important how low you may feel at any given point of time, how much you demean yourselves, etc.
But what really matters is how high you can take yourself from that point on and what good things you do in that "winged" period and how long you can stretch yourself and keep yourself in that situation of "absolute bliss". Life is all about creation and destruction. How much you have destroyed will start losing its scary appeal when you start pondering upon how much you have created and what more things can you and will you create. All creations should be preceded by a big destruction. To me atleast this seems to be as natural. If we look at the creation of the present universe it was preceded by one big bang which looked like destruction but was, rather, the greatest creation in disguise. The lesson is that we need to carry on and keep things in shape while they are real hot because we won't get opportunity to shape them up once they cool down and the outcome will be a great creation once everything cools down. I think the mistake we(rather I) do is we forget our job to shape things up while they are hot and start worrying and give birth to doubts like whether they are really going to cool down and sometimes start believing firmly that they are never going to cool down. But is that possible? We(I) need to ask ourselves(myself) seriously.
Apart from that, I have decided to sign off all my blogs in the words of Jobs which he, himself , has taken from, in his words, "Paperback Google".
Stay hungry. Stay foolish.